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Versatility is the key to success for a career in the digital sector. This bachelor’s degree prepares students who are passionate about everything digital to become versatile and efficient digital project managers. This three-year course enables students to find a job after their studies or allows them to major in a specific field by enrolling in one of ECV’s 2-year master degree programmes.


Part-time organization : courses are held on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (24h/week). This allows students to complete an internship 2 days a week or to have a student job.

Internships & Work-study contract

Each year, students must do an internship in the digital field in order to experience the professional world and to confirm their career choices.
In the third year of their bachelor programme, students can take a work-study contract.


Students work is continuously assessed. Means of assessment are: tests, group or individual projects, presentations to a jury… Each semester ends with a week of exams.