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4th year animation course

Animation projects take on another dimension, with more ambitious projects in terms of complexity and length. Students work more deeply on technical aspects, specialising themselves within the project teams, and consequently multiplying experiences in project design and film direction.

Working in pairs, students make a short-film, whose story is elaborated throughout the year in the screenwriting course (3rd year). This project allows the students to familiarise themselves with team-work, as well as to discover the management of a production planning.

Inserted between the two last years of the training (4th and 5th years of the Animation Cycle), a long-term internship is made in one of the great animation studios on France or abroad. This experience allows students to put into practice their competences, as well as to prepare them to their future professional life.

5th year animation course

The last year of study is dedicated to the making of their final project. This team project is an opportunity for the students to show their talents and competence in conditions that are close to those of the professional world.

The classes allow the approach of all the aspects of direction and production: animation, rendering, compositing, editing and credits. This ambitious project allows the students to manage post-production. The diploma project can then be presented to festivals and international competitions.